A Track Record of Winning for Affordable Housing
Since 1979, NPH has nurtured the seeds of what became the affordable housing industry, which has since built tens of thousands of vibrant communities.
Each year we’ve broken new ground. Now in 2020, three of every four Californians support a region-wide solution to protect our seniors, families, veterans, and our most vulnerable communities.
Here are the steps that got us here:
Via county-wide partnerships, we won a …
- $580 million bond for affordable housing & 1st-time homebuyers (A1, Alameda County)
- 20-year sales tax extension for affordable housing & county services (K, San Mateo County)
- $950 million bond for affordable housing & unhoused residents (A, Santa Clara County)
- $2 billion total investment after galvanizing 11,000 voters living in affordable housing
Locally …
- NPH supported efforts that led to voters approving $490 million in San Francisco (Prop C), Berkeley (Measure O & P), Emeryville (Measure C), Santa Clara County (Measure A), and Napa County (TOT Measures)
Statewide …
- Voters approved $6 billion for affordable housing via Proposition 1 & 2. NPH was proud to organize the Bay Area coalition, which went on to win 64% (Prop 1) and 70% (Prop 2) at the polls.
- Increased affordable housing registration voter registration by 15% with voter activation in 7 different languages
Building from the 2017 historic housing package, our 2019 statewide efforts resulted in new critical housing solutions. As part of the 3Ps coalition, we led a groundbreaking campaign which passed 10 coalition bills, including:
- The largest expansion of tenant protections in the nation, immediately relieving California renters and families from rent hikes and unfair evictions (AB 1482)
- A regional agency (Housing Alliance for the Bay Area) authorized to develop regional programs and funding (AB 1487)
- Ensuring we use public lands for public good, like repurposing unused parking lots for affordable homes (AB 1486)
Where you come in ...
It takes building coalitions, capacity, and leaders to continue this unprecedented work.
That’s where you come in. If you’re on this site, thank you for joining a movement that’s on the right side of history.
Join us in building a future where everyone has a safe, stable, affordable place to call home.
Amie Fishman, Executive Director